nature place

kerala forest department

About Our kerala Green Home!

Kerala's forests are jewels nestled within the Western Ghats, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its biodiversity. These lush green landscapes are not only home to a rich variety of flora and fauna but also play a crucial role in regulating the region's climate and water cycles









haver works

Climate Protection

Climate protection is not just an environmental issue; it's a moral imperative and a matter of global justice. The consequences of climate change, from rising sea levels to extreme weather events

agriculture Facts

Agriculture is the backbone of human civilization, providing the food, fiber, and fuel necessary for our survival and prosperity

Foundation farms

Foundation farms represent more than just plots of land; they are symbols of hope, empowerment, and community resilience.

Forest Protection

forests are not just collections of trees; they are complex ecosystems that support a wealth of biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services

Our Mission

The primary goal of a forest mission is to preserve biodiversity by protecting and restoring forest habitats. This involves safeguarding the diverse array of plant and animal species that call forests home and ensuring their habitats remain intact and connected.

kerala forest department  joined persons

Visitors per mounth


Charity Events


Total Animals


Our Volunteers


Fundraising Causes

Fundraising causes serve as catalysts for positive change, channeling resources towards addressing pressing societal challenges and making a meaningful difference in people's lives.

ChatGPT The Kerala Forest Department, responsible for the management and conservation of forests in the Indian state of Kerala, was established during the colonial period. The department's inception can be traced back to the early 20th century when the British administration in India initiated forest conservation efforts.

kerala forest department

While there isn't a single founder of the Kerala Forest Department per se, credit for the establishment and development of forest departments in various Indian states, including Kerala, goes to the British colonial administrators and foresters who recognized the need for systematic forest management and conservation.

kerala forest department

during British rule, individuals such as Dietrich Brandis, who served as the first Inspector General of Forests in India in the late 19th century, played a significant role in shaping forest policies and laying the groundwork for forest departments across the country.

kerala forest department

Latest News

As of my last update in January 2022, I can't provide real-time news updates. For the latest news about Kerala forests, I recommend checking reliable news websites, government sources, or social media channels for updates on any recent events, policies, or developments related to Kerala's forests.

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